Please be aware that Hanshi approves virtual web-based trainings with audio and visual capability for your dojo members only in exceptional cases when meeting in your dojo is not allowed (such as the COVID-19 stay at home orders).
The following guidelines are to be followed for virtual trainings: Shihan or Renshi Dojo leaders must inform Hanshi Masako if you are planning to offer online trainings. You must provide a statement that you are not recording the session. Training is for your dojo members only. Training must not be recorded or made available to any dojo member who could not attend the real-time training. Kata must never be shared online.
Use technology that allows ONLY the host to invite dojo members to virtual trainings (no one can invite themselves to or attend the training). Use technology that does not allow participants to record the session under any circumstances.
Virtual trainings must always be done in the spirit of Doshinkan: Virtual trainings are only to be considered as a bridge to be able to continue with joint trainings in a limited way. Virtual trainings or joint trainings in the Dojo should not replace individual trainings. Virtual trainings in exceptional and justified cases should be used as one way to support members. Continue to use other options such as phone, email, etc. Virtual trainings should be designed to improve the ability of Dojo members to train on their own (e.g. by answering questions regarding Katas).
Kata are the treasure of Doshinkan and should therefore always be protected
Please be aware that Hanshi approves virtual web-based trainings with audio and visual capability for your dojo members only in exceptional cases when meeting in your dojo is not allowed (such as the COVID-19 stay at home orders).
The following guidelines are to be followed for virtual trainings: Shihan or Renshi Dojo leaders must inform Hanshi Masako if you are planning to offer online trainings. You must provide a statement that you are not recording the session. Training is for your dojo members only. Training must not be recorded or made available to any dojo member who could not attend the real-time training. Kata must never be shared online.
Use technology that allows ONLY the host to invite dojo members to virtual trainings (no one can invite themselves to or attend the training). Use technology that does not allow participants to record the session under any circumstances.
Virtual trainings must always be done in the spirit of Doshinkan: Virtual trainings are only to be considered as a bridge to be able to continue with joint trainings in a limited way. Virtual trainings or joint trainings in the Dojo should not replace individual trainings. Virtual trainings in exceptional and justified cases should be used as one way to support members. Continue to use other options such as phone, email, etc. Virtual trainings should be designed to improve the ability of Dojo members to train on their own (e.g. by answering questions regarding Katas).
Kata are the treasure of Doshinkan and should therefore always be protected
Please be aware that Hanshi approves virtual web-based trainings with audio and visual capability for your dojo members only in exceptional cases when meeting in your dojo is not allowed (such as the COVID-19 stay at home orders).
The following guidelines are to be followed for virtual trainings: Shihan or Renshi Dojo leaders must inform Hanshi Masako if you are planning to offer online trainings. You must provide a statement that you are not recording the session. Training is for your dojo members only. Training must not be recorded or made available to any dojo member who could not attend the real-time training. Kata must never be shared online.
Use technology that allows ONLY the host to invite dojo members to virtual trainings (no one can invite themselves to or attend the training). Use technology that does not allow participants to record the session under any circumstances.
Virtual trainings must always be done in the spirit of Doshinkan: Virtual trainings are only to be considered as a bridge to be able to continue with joint trainings in a limited way. Virtual trainings or joint trainings in the Dojo should not replace individual trainings. Virtual trainings in exceptional and justified cases should be used as one way to support members. Continue to use other options such as phone, email, etc. Virtual trainings should be designed to improve the ability of Dojo members to train on their own (e.g. by answering questions regarding Katas).
Kata are the treasure of Doshinkan and should therefore always be protected
Please be aware that Hanshi approves virtual web-based trainings with audio and visual capability for your dojo members only in exceptional cases when meeting in your dojo is not allowed (such as the COVID-19 stay at home orders).
The following guidelines are to be followed for virtual trainings: Shihan or Renshi Dojo leaders must inform Hanshi Masako if you are planning to offer online trainings. You must provide a statement that you are not recording the session. Training is for your dojo members only. Training must not be recorded or made available to any dojo member who could not attend the real-time training. Kata must never be shared online.
Use technology that allows ONLY the host to invite dojo members to virtual trainings (no one can invite themselves to or attend the training). Use technology that does not allow participants to record the session under any circumstances.
Virtual trainings must always be done in the spirit of Doshinkan: Virtual trainings are only to be considered as a bridge to be able to continue with joint trainings in a limited way. Virtual trainings or joint trainings in the Dojo should not replace individual trainings. Virtual trainings in exceptional and justified cases should be used as one way to support members. Continue to use other options such as phone, email, etc. Virtual trainings should be designed to improve the ability of Dojo members to train on their own (e.g. by answering questions regarding Katas).
Kata are the treasure of Doshinkan and should therefore always be protected


Hatoyama Hiroshi
Tōyama's son
Shūdōkan (Kanchō)

Tanaka Mikio
Tōyama - Kai
Hanshi 10. Dan

Ishida Kenshin
Shihan 7. Dan
Tōyama - Kai
Hanshi 10. Dan

"ō" = The macron above the "o" denotes a long vowel
Hanshi 10. Dan
24.12.1935 - 01.02.1996
Foto Dojo Tirol: Gerhard Kurz

Foto Dojo Tirol: Gerhard Kurz
Hanshi Ichikawa Isao was DAISHIHAN Kanken Toyama's last inner disciple and was named his successor on his deathbed. Hanshi Isao fundamentally systematized karatedo and spread it all over the world.
With his ingenious understanding he created a comprehensive teaching system that lives on as the independent school Doshinkan.
It is thanks to him that the treasure of the katas was preserved for posterity. Many dojos in the world are now learning more than ever from Doshinkan.
Hanshi 10. Dan
04.09.1941 - 06.03.2019

Foto Dojo Tirol: Gerhard Kurz
Hanshi Ichikawa Nobuo was the Doshinkan leader from 1996 to March 6, 2019, who continued the Karatedo Doshinkan legacy.
"Kata" and "technique" did not remain stagnant, but were further developed by him.
In Doshinkan, therefore, it is not the ashes of ancient knowledge that is collected, but rather the spark is carried out into the world.
Traditionally, knowledge is passed on from teacher to the student orally and according to the following system: Maneru - Wakaru - Nareru,
Imitate - understand - make a habit
Hanshi 10. Dan
15.05.1969 -

Foto: Erich Reismann
Shortly before his death on March 6, 2019,
10. Dan Ichikawa Nobuo appointed, Masako Fujimoto-Stock, as his worldwide successor.
Masako Fujimoto - Stock is the mother of four children and has been married to Shihan 8. Dan Oswald-Paul Stock "Sport Ossi" since 1999 in Kramsach.
Hanshi Masako, as she will be called from now on, will travel the world like her predecessor to teach Karatedo, always on the trail of and in memory of her great teachers.
This task presents her with great challenges, which she takes on with her pronounced sense of responsibility.
Hanshi Masako received countless congratulations from all over the world. This confirms her goal of consistently and personally passing Doshinkan Karatedo on to her students.
You can train with Hanshi not only in the Honbu Dojo in Kramsach / Tyrol but all over the world.